One step Into the Heart
is Courageous

One step out With Heart
is Leadership

Heart - Soul - Freedom

How I can help you on Your Journey?

I offer Relationship and Healing support. I also help with Energy, Spiritual Growth and finding your Soul Purpose. Please check out some options below or grab our free chat and we can work it out together.

We will uncover the root cause of whatever challenges you’re experiencing, shift the energy block, and as you move into flow, we’ll explore tools and pathways forward to support the changes we have made. You will come away energized and empowered to step forward into a new experience of life.

If you’re ready to focus on yourself and do the work required to create the change you want, let’s explore what’s happening in your life, what your heart aches for and who you desire to be.


Individual Sessions

Energy Reading with Spirit

Ask one question on any topic – and receive your personal recorded message from Spirit.

This channelled message will support you in your growth and moving forward in life.

$30.00 USD – Includes the audio recording.

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Relationship and Family Dynamics

Being in a relationship can be challenging at times for many reasons, especially if external family are involved.

We will help you untangle the energetic cords, get clarity, and create a plan forward.

You will come away feeling empowered and centred within yourself.

Boundaries and Finding your Voice

Creating an empowering space for your unique self can be challenging in this crazy world.

We will teach you how to create an energetic boundary, find the strength to speak up and start creating the relationships and connections that help you thrive.

Depression and Uncertainty

As the old ways fall away and we are forced to respond to the changing world, we can feel overwhelmed, unheard, and confused in how to find our way.

We will clear away some of the confusion, create a secure place to rest, and support you to build a pathway forward. 

Expand your Spiritual, Energy and Consciousness

As the energy, vibration and resonance shifts around the world, new levels of understanding and awareness are available. We will actively support you to connect to deeper and more expansive layers of Consciousness.

You will get a bigger and expanded sense of who you are.

All sessions are available online via Zoom/Messenger or by Phone call. Sessions (excluding Energy Readings) are between 60-75 minutes and involve conscious dialogue, energy healing, and are offered from an open Heart space.

$155 USD per session

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If you are unsure of your choice or have a unique challenge then book a 20 min Free Call and let’s find the best way forward for you.





Coaching Programs

A series of tailored, co-creational sessions to support you on your journey to self empowerment.

Focused Attention

These 3 x 90min sessions are targeted and directed towards a specific challenge you are experiencing.

Find it – we will identify the core issue, explore the experience and narratives blocking your energy, and possible new ways forward,

Shift it – we will release the energy, reframe the experience in your mind, body and emotional landscape, anchoring your new choices.

Live it – Our final session builds a sustainable and practical plan for implementing into your daily life.

This includes:

Personal on call support in between sessions and tools to support you going forward.

Conscious Self Leadership

This program is supportive for individuals who desire to become more authentic, heart centered, effective and successful in their personal and professional relationships.

My most popular coaching program – weekly sessions for 3 months, it allows time for gentle sharing, exploration and integration.

We explore the interwoven matrix of personal, family, business/work and even societal experiences that determines your perceptions and actions.

With a strong focus on Heart and Emotional energy this program creates the necessary tension to highlight and break through old beliefs, limiting behaviours and old narratives.

Walk with a Master

This program bridges the Physical Human Realm with the Metaphysical Realm of Source Energy and Consciousness. 

This journey together – as Awake and Conscious Souls – embodied and anchored in physical form – will walk you through every aspect of who you believe you are and open doors to who you could become.

This program offers everything within my other programs AND includes a strong experiential and practical interaction with the Metaphysical and Spiritual Energetic worlds.

As this journey is your Soul’s opportunity to guide you through daily life, a minimum 6 month commitment is required.


Available online via Zoom, by phone or in person by arrangement.

Please contact me to discuss and book.